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Team Registration
VALORANT Provincial League · Wednesdays, Feb. 5th to 26th
Valorant Characters
Valorant Logo

This competition is not affiliated with or sponsored 
by Riot Games, Inc., or Valorant Esports.

Registration closes January 29, 2025!

Registration for our VALORANT Provincial League is now CLOSED!
Looking forward to seeing you next season!


Rated TEEN by ESRB

All players competing in the OSEA Provincial Valorant League MUST be 13 years of age or older as of Wednesday, February 5, 2025.


It is the responsibility of coaches to ensure that every member of the registered team fulfills the age requirement and is eligible to compete.


In the event that a player does not meet the age requirement, his or her team shall be disqualified from this tournament.  In addition, the team and the team's school may be banned from future competitions with OSEA.


Please complete and submit a separate form for each team you are registering!  Schools are permitted to register a maximum of 5 teams for each active membership.


By submitting this registration, the coach hereby represents and warrants that each member of the team is in full compliance with the Riot Games Terms of Service and adheres to the applicable ESRB rating guidelines. Any instance of non-compliance shall result in the team's immediate disqualification.

Coaches should obtain parental consent for all student players between the ages of 13 and 15.  A sample template of a consent form can be found HERE.

NOTE: Coaches MUST be registered on our Discord server as this is the primary method of communication between OSEA and coaches.

Average player rank of this team
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